Home Lifestyle Capricorn Season is Here: What That Means for the Zodiac

Capricorn Season is Here: What That Means for the Zodiac

by Shawn Engel
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It’s Capricorn season! This earthy, hard-working time of year, denoted by the Sea Goat, lasts between December 22nd and January 19th and is very tenacious yet careful. Capricorn energy is all about climbing to the top of the mountain, existing alongside the cold of winter, but following the spark of Sagittarius, it has the energy of a mogul. Keep reading to learn all about Capricorn season and what that means for the zodiac from our spiritual contributor, Shawn of Witchy Wisdoms.

capricorn season

About Capricorn

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac and governs the house of career. Ruling the idea of getting down to business, Capricorns take a strategic approach to killing the game. Though they scale with a discerning eye, they go for what they set their sights on, and they achieve it.

The element of Capricorn is Earth, which is grounded, foundational, and sturdy. Thinking of heavy boulders, Earth in this sign manifests as laying the groundwork for long-standing success. Because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the task-master of the universe, you can expect Caps to get ‘ish done. Sea goats are all about the hard lessons, the struggle, and the grind. They might be stubborn, but it’s because this is hardly their first rodeo.

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Another detail of the Capricorn personality is that they have a “cardinal” quality. Of the three qualities, {the other two being fixed and mutable} cardinal denotes initiation. As they begin the seasons — in Capricorn’s case, winter — they usher in change and transformation. Because they bring us the chill of winter and the New Year, they are also familiar with the natural decay of life to bring forth something new.

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In the Tarot deck, Capricorn’s ruling card is the Devil. This card represents obsession and being overworked, as a cautionary tale to Capricorns to be as careful as they are known to be. Capricorns are masters at scaling, but the higher you climb, the further there is to fall. The Devil warns this message, however, Capricorns know exactly where to place their feet.

Some celebs that you may or may not have known were Capricorns have worked their butts off in a very on-brand way. LeBron James, for example, has one of the most successful careers in basketball, strategically moving from team to team to get his wins. Similarly, Muhammed Ali mastered the Capricorn footwork, attributing to making him one of the greatest athletes of our time. Diane von Furstenburg is also a Capricorn, and there is nothing more practical and successful than the wrap dress.

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Read More: Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? Astrology 101

What Capricorn Season Means for You

Capricorn energy is determined and tough. This is a great time to put your nose to the grindstone and make some serious cash. However, make sure you follow suit and climb carefully.

If you want to go deeper, go back to the article on the Twelve Astrological Houses and see where Capricorn lands in your chart. Then, depending on what central theme that house influences, you can expect to bring some Saturnian energy into that subject!

Happy Capricorn season!

What are you most looking forward to this Capricorn season? Let us know in the comments! 

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