Home PeopleHoboken Girl of the Week Hoboken Girl of the Week: Marissa Vicario

Hoboken Girl of the Week: Marissa Vicario

by Arielle Witter
Attain Medspa
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So often — the reason people inspire us is they encourage us to be a better version of ourselves — and often, it’s simply through positive energy and mindful lifestyle. For us, Marissa Vicario is one of those people. As a nutrition health coach, author, barre instructor at Hoboken’s own Bar Method {and Broadway location}, and all-around wellness goddess, she inspires many of us {including her students + clients} on a daily basis. As this week’s Hoboken Girl of the Week, find out how Marissa got her start, what inspires her, what she thinks makes Hoboken special, and more. 

marissa vicario hg week bar method

Tell us about yourself.

I’m a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, author of the book Your Holistically Hot Transformation: Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle Free of Dieting, Confusion and Self-Judgment, and a certified Bar Method Instructor at The Bar Method Hoboken and Bar Method Broadway in NYC.

“I’m always trying to improve both in my personal life and in business.”

I work with women one-on-one and in groups to teach them how to trust themselves to make slimming, nutritious, and energizing choices without fad dieting.

Read More: Hoboken Girl of the Week: Dr. Avisheh Forouzesh {of Advanced Infectious Disease Medical}

Hello Hydration Sidebar
sojo spa

Who is your biggest source of inspiration?

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My clients inspire me every day! When I see the women I’m working with thriving in their life and making healthy lifestyle changes that are getting them closer to their goals with the results they want to see, I’m inspired to keep walking my talk and developing myself personally and professionally.

Zap Fitness

What are your goals for this year?

I’m always trying to improve both in my personal life and in business. That said, my biggest goal for this year is to revamp my one-on-one coaching program to make it even more detailed with the purpose of getting even better results for my clients.

What’s a typical day look like for you? 

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I wish there was a typical day, but there isn’t! The one constant in my day is my Morning Routine. I wake up early, often before sunrise. I drink 24 ounces of lemon water, spend some time meditating, and sip hot matcha. That hour to myself in the morning before I do anything else sets me up for a successful day.

From there, I’m usually off to teach one or two Bar Method classes. I try to fit in a Bar Method class or workout before or after I teach. The afternoons are when I schedule meetings, coaching calls with clients, and respond to emails/texts. On certain days of the week, I make sure to block off chunks of time with no appointments to work on blog posts or other big projects that need my time and attention.

“It’s some of the hardest and most rewarding work I’ve ever done!”

My husband and I make it a point to eat home-cooked meals at least five days per week, so by 6:00PM I close out my work and start dinner. After dinner, we spend a couple of hours catching up on our day and watching a little TV before bed.

What has been the highlight in your career so far?

About 10 years ago, I left my full-time job in corporate marketing and public relations to start Marissa’s Well-Being and Health. The work I’ve been able to do as a Women’s Wellness and Lifestyle Expert from coaching to public speaking, running workshops, partnering with brands and of course, writing a book are all highlights. I’m incredibly grateful that I’ve been able to re-invent my career and do such purpose-driven work. It’s some of the hardest and most rewarding work I’ve ever done!

See More: Hoboken Girl of the Week: Maria Marino {of Sports Net New York}

Tell us about another business in the area you admire.

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The Bar Method Hoboken! Lucia and Melissa have built an incredibly enthusiastic and welcoming community of women at their studio and I’m so grateful that I can be a part of it.

Hoboken + Jersey City Favorites

What is your favorite restaurant in Hoboken?

Since the time I spend in Hoboken is during the day, I’ve discovered some great little cafés to grab a matcha, a quick, healthy bite, or to work on my computer in between classes. I love Bluestone Lane, Joboken Café, Honeygrow, and Bean Vault. For dinner, I like Bin 14.

What do you love most about Hoboken?

As a Manhattanite, I appreciate the slower pace and quiet community feel of Hoboken. Everyone is so friendly and it’s a nice escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

How long have you worked in Hoboken?

I’ve been teaching at The Bar Method Hoboken for about a year.

What is your favorite outdoor place to spend time in Hoboken?

There’s nothing better than walking along the waterfront on a beautiful day taking in the views of the city.

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What is your favorite place to work out in Hudson County?

The Bar Method Hoboken!

What is something you think needs to come to Hoboken?

I would love to see a matcha café open {did I mention I’m obsessed with matcha?}

Want to be featured or nominate someone as an upcoming Hoboken Girl of the Week?

Email hello@hobokengirl.com about your/her story.

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