Home Food + Drink SuperBowl Kick-Off Party Tips

SuperBowl Kick-Off Party Tips

by Jacquelyn
Attain Medspa
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Even though our beloved Giants and Hoboken resident quarterback Eli didn’t make it to the SuperBowl this year we still get to cheer on his A-DOR-ABLE brother Peyton and the Denver Broncos…and that is enough reason for me to throw a rockin’ SuperBowl Party this year (even if you’re rooting for Seattle you will still find this post extremely useful).

Hosting a SuperBowl is unlike hosting a typical house party. Normally house parties have a natural flow where guests come and go at their leisure. At SuperBowl parties, guests come just in time for pre-game or kickoff and stay until the clock winds down to read zero seconds. A typical football game lasts 4 hours but for the ‘big game’ your guests could be sitting on your couches for up to 6, even 8 hours including pre & post commentary.

Your mission, as a SuperBowl Party host, should you accept the challenge is to create a dynamic and tummy filling environment conducive to all of your game altering superstitions and living room touchdown dances!

Here are a few ways to do this:

Sporty Decor

SuperBowl parties are less about the decorations than most other events but let’s face it, we still need a little something-something to get us all pumped up & in the spirit! To keep it simple and affordable I use chalkboard art, which is always a favorite of mine for casual events. You can also use your boyfriend’s/husband’s old football to jazz up the buffet display with authentic gear!

Eventfully, Jacquelyn Event Planner Hoboken SuperBowl Party

A little peek into EVJ’s SuperBowl Party Decor

The Devan
All Saints Episcopal Day School

Set Up Multiple Food Stations

For your guests’ convenience, I suggest having foods, snacks and beverages available at several stations. Utilize your coffee table, an entry table, the kitchen island and other practical areas. By using all of your space, people can graze as the game progresses. Also, use a drink dispenser to have a pre-mixed drink (bloody mary shown) because it’s always important that you, as the host also get to relax & enjoy the game!

Comfortable Butts

There will be a lot of sitting & in between all of the eating there will be more sitting…please make sure you have enough COMFORTABLE seating for the number of confirmed guests…the more couches the better! If you must use folding chairs in your apartment to accommodate, you can purchase seat cushions at Target for less than $10 each…please do this! You can also use throw pillows on folding chairs for added lower back comfort :) Your guests will thank you, I promise!

Zap Fitness

Eventfully Jacquelyn SuperBowl Party Hoboken Event Planner and Wedding Planner

Turn Your Living Room Into A Stadium

 You can purchase yellow and red flags so that your guests become makeshift referees, giving them the power to call party fouls…come on, we can make better calls than those heads on T.V. anyway, right? Display the flags on the coffee table or in a central location to encourage use. FLAG ON THE PLAY! DRINK!

Eventfully Jacquelyn SuperBowl Party Hoboken Event Planner and Wedding Planner 2

Keep It Simple & Keep It Coming

Serve finger foods and space out the timing. Start off with light foods during the 1st and 2nd quarters, get into the heavier foods such as wings, pizza or burgers during halftime & save the 4th quarter for sweets! The game is the main attraction but food is tré importanté to ensure your guests’ have a killer SuperBowl fiesta!

Jacquelyn is a hostess with the mostess {aka a party and event planner located in Hoboken, NJ}.

Visit www.eventfullyjacquelyn.com for more party & wedding planning tips from Jacquelyn!

How will you be celebrating the SuperBowl?


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