Home Events + News A Statement from HobokenGirl.com

A Statement from HobokenGirl.com

by Hoboken Girl Team
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A Statement from HobokenGirl.com:

Over the course of the last week, protests have taken place in nearly every major city across the country, with several more scheduled to occur in the days ahead. Nearly all protestors have a single objective: we must all stand united against racially-motivated violence.

As a media outlet, we at Hoboken Girl have a duty to report on newsworthy events that we deem to be important to the residents, businesses, and visitors of our communities.  Our decision to notify our audience of events which may impact the Hoboken community should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any particular viewpoint.

Our hearts break and we stand with everyone who has been affected by social injustices locally and around the world. We also do not endorse violence in any way, shape, or form.  We have the utmost respect for our first responders and law enforcement who work tirelessly to keep our city safe, as well as the understanding that people will advocate for a peaceful assembly and have the absolute right to do so.

Our editorial team strives to be objective and neutral at all times when reporting on events. This is a high standard and is often difficult {and often uncomfortable} for us to meet.  It’s even more difficult to remain completely objective when dealing with sensitive issues – especially those which we know are so painful and personal to so many of our readers and team.  That said, as a media site, we have an obligation to share information – including information related to protests and demonstrations – because of our duty to share information about events that are likely to affect our community’s residents, business owners, and visitors.

For those who feel – as we do – that it’s difficult to remain silent in light of everything going on, we have compiled some content on ways to help here and here.

~ Team HG

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