Home LifestyleHealthFitness 13 Gyms Offering Outdoor Workouts in Jersey City

13 Gyms Offering Outdoor Workouts in Jersey City

by Jordan and Joelle Hernandez
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The halfway point in the summer has come and the weather has certainly heated up. While just walking outside may feel like a full workout {cue body sweat and mask sweat — but safety first!}, there are plenty of Hudson County residents still looking to fit a“real” exercise class back into their schedules. Earlier this summer, NJ Governor Phil Murphy shared “the difficulty of social distancing in certain indoor locations.” Since then, under his executive orders, gyms and trainers were granted permission to host outdoor, socially-distant exercise classes. 

That being said, Jersey City fitness locales jumped to making the most out of this and have re-opened a number of studios for outdoor workouts {that are socially distant, of course}. All classes are held by individual gyms/studios and will operate similar to classes pre-COVID-19 in terms of registering and cost. The times of classes, registration, memberships, and fees are determined by each organization offering the service. But for now, on to the fun part — read on for our full list of gyms offering outdoor classes in Jersey City.

150Bay Fit  {Hamilton Park, Brunswick and 6th Street} 

150bay fit outdoor classes

{Photo credit: @150bayfit}

Bodyweight workouts are all the rage these days. They are among the safest too with no sharing of equipment. 150Bay Fit is hosting pop-up classes in Hamilton Park using body weight exercises only. Class schedule and times can be found on their site. 

Asana Soul {Roberto Clemente Baseball Field, 6th Street and Grove Street}

While this studio has expanded to indoor classes at this time, larger capacity classes are being held outdoors. All outdoor classes are held at the Roberto Clemente Baseball Field on the corner of 6th and Grove Streets. Socially distancing and personal mats are required. In the event of rain, class will be canceled an hour prior to start time. Check their site for class types and times. 

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All Saints Episcopal Day School

Base NJ {60 Christopher Columbus Drive}

Base NJ outdoor workouts

{Photo credit: @basenj}

Golden Door Dispensary

Known for its sense of community, this Jersey City hot spot for workouts is still gathering those who love fitness. Their Instagram page showcases properly distanced spin bikes outdoors for a fun and safe time exercising. Give Base NJ a call at 201-332-2866 to learn more about their monthly pricing and class schedule. 

Read more: The List of Gyms Offering Outdoor Workouts in Hoboken

Cyclebar Jersey City {Harborside Place} 


{Photo credit: @cyclebarjerseycity}

Traditionally known as one of the top studios for indoor cycling, this chain of cycle spots is moving to the outdoors. Their Jersey City location has set up shop in the Harborside area. Class schedules and memberships listed online. 

F45 Training Exchange Place {3 2nd Street} 

f45 training jersey city outdoor class

{Photo credit: @f45_training_exchange_place}

F45 has created a name for itself with its intense and satisfying group exercise classes. Their Instagram is filled with tips from trainers and testimonials from regular class attendees. For those who want to try it for themselves, F45 offers a free week trial of classes. All outdoor classes in Jersey City are held at The Lutze. Schedule online. 

Ironbound Performance Athletics {Newark Avenue} 

ironbound jersey city outdoor classes

{Photo credit: @ironboundperformance}

This workout is all about goal setting and achieving. For this reason, Ironbound has two locations to get a good pump. For those used to going to the studio, travel no further–classes are being held right outside. Additionally, classes are being held on Newark Avenue. The full schedule of classes and membership options are located on their website. 

Jane Do {Roberto Clemete Baseball Field, 6th Street and Manila Avenue} 

jane do JC outdoor class

{Photo credit: @janedo}

A Hudson County favorite, Jane DO took over the virtual fitness class scene and they are doing it again with outdoor classes. Held every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am, their DO It All class “lifts your booty and your spirit” according to their class schedule. Those signed up online prior to the class can meet at the Roberto Clemente Field at 6th Street and Manila Avenue. 

JC Barre Fitness Studio {419 Monmouth Street}

This studio is moving indoor but making it feel like it’s outdoors. While they do offer one class a week right outside of their studio, all other classes are limited capacity with air conditioning and windows and doors open. 

Jersey City Barbell {517 Communipaw Avenue}

jersey city barbell outdoor class

{Photo credit: @jerseycitybarbell}

Not too much has changed with this studio beyond taking classes outside. Workouts of the day are just as intense, the sense of community and motivation is there, and classes are held right at their location. Just, well, outside. For information on the class type and times, visit their website. 

Sacred Souls Yoga Studio

One of the newest outdoor classes to hit Jersey City, Sacred Souls has plans to offer outdoor classes at Leonard Gordon Park within the coming weeks so stay tuned for those.

See more: Local Fitness Businesses Offering Online Classes + Streaming Options

Sattva Yoga {Sgt. Anthony Park, 90 Palisades Avenue}

sattva yoga Jersey City outdoor class

{Photo credit: @sattvayogajc}

Now, through September 7th, Sattva is gathering for “Sattva Summer Yoga in the Park” every Tuesday evening. It is located at Sgt. Anthony Park {90 Palisades Avenue, Jersey City} and will have very limited capacity. Classes cap at 10 people. Masks and social distancing are required to participate, but enrollment is free. Register on their site today. 

Surya Yoga {Provost Plaza} 

surya yoga academy jc outdoor class

{Photo credit: @suryayogaacademy}

This yoga studio is offering it all to its members from live stream to indoor and outdoor classes. Outdoor classes are limited so be sure to check their schedule for dates and times of availability. Outdoor classes are held at Provost Plaza. 

WeStrong Strength and Conditioning {41 Marin Boulevard} 

westrong Jersey City outdoor workout

{Photo credit: @westrongjc}

Not much has to change when WeStrong has already had outdoor workouts on its menu. Their workout has always been at a high level of intensity and the pandemic has not slowed it down. For a very raw and real exercise class, check out their site for times. 

Taking part in an outdoor class at one of the above studios is a great way to support local businesses and come together as a community. Have you tried any of these outdoor workouts yet? Let us know in the comments below!



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