Home Events + News Jersey City Resident Appearing on Shark Tank Tonight at 8:00PM

Jersey City Resident Appearing on Shark Tank Tonight at 8:00PM

by Corinne Batsides
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When it comes to shoes, not all are created equal. And for one Jersey City resident and his team, they’re proving just that. Local entrepreneur Eric Cruz is debuting his shoe company on national television tonight, April 3rd, as his company, Muvez, is being pitched on ABC’s Shark Tank. We got a chance to sit down with him {virtually, ofc} to learn more about how one NJIT student’s senior thesis turned into a successful business.

Read on below, and then make sure to set your DVR to watch Shark Tank tonight at 8:00PM on ABC to root on Eric and his team as they pitch that business to the industry titans!

How Muvez Came to Be

The idea for a dual, removable shoe actually came from a senior thesis. “My brother Ryan and our partner conceptualized the idea as his senior thesis project at NJIT a few years back,” Eric reveals about its humble beginnings.

The name Muvez — pronounced “move-ez” — was designed to “reinforce the notion of ‘movement.'” These lifestyle shoes are specifically designed to provide all-around comfort for however you need to move.

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{Photo credit @Muvez}

The evolution from an idea to the creation of Muvez took about three years. “The goal was to develop a footwear product that served the needs of its customers and was both convenient and lightweight. The shoe has no straps or buttons, making it easy to slip on, and weighs in at only 11 ounces.”

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Wondering if you have what it takes to get an idea off the ground? Eric says one of his strengths as CEO + co-founder of Muvez is his “ability to operate and execute with limited resources.” Resilience is a critical factor in success — work with what you’ve got, and work hard.

Currently, Eric takes pride in navigating the direction of the company while “effectively communicating expectations so that we are all accountable and in a position to succeed.”

About Muvez

{Photo credit @Muvez}

Muvez is a new dual soled shoe, specializing in comfort and style. Eric says it’s basically an “innovative indoor slipper” that “re-imagines traditional footwear by integrating a removable outsole.”

While you’re lounging around the house, you can take off the outer layer for a cozy slipper feel. Then pop that second sole back on to go out with a sleek and lightweight yet supportive style.

Eric comes from a very diverse work background, with experience ranging from managing automotive press fleets with Mercedes-Benz USA to working in public relations with the Brooklyn nets. 

His story goes to show that you don’t need to be an expert in something to dive in and pursue it; Eric admits that prior to co-founding Muvez, his experience was “very limited” within the footwear industry. But with a great mind for business, an innovative team, a little passion, and a lot of perseverance, he’s managed to produce a lucrative shoe product + get it on the #1 show for budding businesses. 

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{Photo credit @Muvez}


 {Photo credit @Muvez}

Muvez on Shark Tank

{Photo credit @Muvez}

Eric and his team got the chance to fly out to LA and pitch their idea to a group of industry titans, better known as the Shark Tank crew. 

“Being on Shark Tank to film the episode was surreal, and as a long-time fan of the show, it was a confirmation that the path I chose was one of destiny,” Eric said.

Even with all this success of his budding company, Eric admits that he is anxious about the national premiere of his episode — while still excited, of course. “No matter what happens in the episode, the business will still get exposure on a national platform. It will introduce our brand into the homes of over six million Americans that will hopefully find our story and product compelling enough to join our community,” he explained, hopefully.

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 {Photo credit: Muvez’s Facebook}

Eric also offers a special thank you to the entire Shark Tank staff, casting crew, and producers, noting how welcoming and engaging everyone was during the production.

As for what’s next for Eric’s company, Muvez is working diligently to develop new products to add to its product line. “But you’ll just have to follow us on Instagram / Facebook to find out more details,” he noted.

{Photo credit @Muvez}

Don’t forget to tune into ABC tonight at 8:00PM to watch Eric and his team pitch Muvez to Shark Tank + support this aspiring local business. Good luck, Muvez team!

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