Home PeoplePets The Dogs of Hoboken: Sami & Sera {Yorkshire and Biewer Terriers}

The Dogs of Hoboken: Sami & Sera {Yorkshire and Biewer Terriers}

by Will
wonder lofts
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Summer is finally here! With Hoboken restaurants opening up their outdoor seating and flowers blooming, it’s a great time to be a Hoboken resident. No one is happier than the pups of this little mile square city, that’s for sure. This week’s dogs of the week, Sami and Sera, just love the warm weather. Today we’re sharing more about these cuties and local Instagram celebs.


^With over 13K followers on Instagram, Sami & Sera are naturals in front of the camera!

Sami and Sera’s Instagram director/PR officer/pup parent, Dana, tells us more about her two fur babies. “I always wanted a Yorkie. I think they are just the cutest pups. I got Sera after I saw someone walking with a Biewer in Hoboken and fell in love with the breed.” says Dana.

“Sami is now two and a half and is out of the puppy stage, but Sera is almost one and is full of energy and very feisty. She makes us laugh all the time. She hops like a bunny when running, she chases her tail regularly and is constantly pouncing on Sami. She can’t pounce from about 4 feet away! Sami has a very large tolerance for her. He loves her, but enjoys when she’s tired! He is sweet and is a great cuddler, but is super protective of his momma!”

Sami & Sera Q & A

Favorite sleeping spot?

Curled up next to Mommy or in the sunshine in the morning.

JK Therapy
Hello Hydration Sidebar

Favorite treat?

Green beans and carrots.

Favorite human food?


Zap Fitness


Sami: Pretty much any big dog and skateboards!
Sera: Depends on the day.

Favorite Hoboken restaurant?

McLoone’s Pier House.

Celebrity counterparts?

Sami is definitely Ryan Gosling. A lovable bad boy. Sera is Keira Knightley, dainty & petite yet intelligent and fierce.


Favorite naughty habit?

Sera occasionally likes to snack on the molding. She’s also a licker, always licking whatever body part that is exposed on people!

Scared of?

Skateboards, scooters, and Bulldogs.

Obsessed with?

Both are obsessed with their momma. I can’t leave the room or even walk across the room without both of them following me.

Funny story?

All summer, Sami rides in his basket on my bike down at the beach. Every single morning at least someone yells “Toto” at us.

Spirit animal?

Sera is a bunny at heart. Sami is lion because he thinks he’s the king

Dog best friend?

Sami and Sera both love our neighbor Bruno, when I open the door, they bolt right to Bruno’s door. We think Bruno has a major crush on Sera.

Favorite place to go?

Long walks on the beach. They could walk for hours! They both travel with us often. They are so good on airplanes. Most people don’t even notice them in their bags. If people do motive them, we gets lots of oohs and ahhs about how cute they are. When we’re getting ready to leave, both leap into their bags ready to go!


Want your pup to be featured on Hoboken Girl? Email hello@hobokengirl.com!

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