Home PeoplePets The Dogs of Hoboken: Kona {the Irish doodle}

The Dogs of Hoboken: Kona {the Irish doodle}

by Will
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In honor of the REAL St. Patrick’s Day, we thought it appropriate to feature a real Irishman…meet Kona, the Irish doodle!


^Kona, ready to celebrate his heritage

Kona’s mom Megan gave us the scoop on her fluffy fido:

“We had been researching golden doodle breeders and were interested in getting a pup with a darker fur color,” says Megan. “We stumbled across a breeder who breeds both golden doodles and Irish doodles. We had never heard of Irish doodles before, so we researched further about the breed. We really liked that they are known to be extremely friendly, outgoing, and full of energy. We also liked that they get darker as they get older vs. darker golden doodles who tend to lose their color as they age.”


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^First family photo! Kona at 8 weeks old!

“Kona is full of energy and loves to play whenever possible. He is a lover of all people and gets super excited when he meets new people. He is very bad at drinking water. He puts his whole mouth in the bowl and ends up with an extremely wet beard {which he proceeds to drip all over the apartment}. He is extremely smart and knows 10 or so tricks. One of our favorites is “high five.” He has 2 very nice beds, however he chooses to sleep on the floor every night. He’s our lovable weird goofball!”

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^The handsome Irish dood!

Kona Q & A

Favorite activity? 

Playing neighborhood watch!

Favorite dog treat?

Chicken jerky.

Happy place?

Grandma and Grandpa’s lake house in Vermont.

Favorite Hoboken restaurant?

Uptown pizza.

Celebrity counterpart?


Favorite naughty habit?

He seems to love plastic and will chew anything plastic he can get his paws on.

Scared of?

His dad’s wacky dancing!

Obsessed with?

Cheese! He gets this crazy look in his eyes the second he hears the wrapping open.

Best dog friend?

Sonny the Irish setter!

Funny and/or scary story?

When he was a puppy, we had left him alone to go to a Zog football game for about an hour. When we came back, we decided to sneak up and peek in the window to see what he was doing/ scare him. We knocked once… he ran under the chair under the table. We knocked again… he peed himself. We literally scared the pee out of him! Some guard dog he is! Funny for us, scary for him.


^Like any Hobokenite, Kona loves him some Starbucks!

READ: More Hoboken Dogs That are Just Too Cute!

Want your dog featured as our next pup? Email hello@hobokengirl.com!

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