Home PeoplePets The Dogs of Hoboken: Buzz and Chai {the Dachshunds}

The Dogs of Hoboken: Buzz and Chai {the Dachshunds}

by Will
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Double trouble this week on Hoboken Girl’s Dogs of Hoboken! Introducing this week’s pups, Buzz and Chai! At eight pounds each — what this feisty, friendly furry duo lack in size, they make up for with personality!


^Chai (left) & Buzz (right) sure know how to rock knit sweaters!

Their mom Rose, a longtime Hoboken resident, tells us all about her Doxie duo.

“Chai & Buzz are my first dogs, and they’ve far exceeded my expectations in every way – they’re all about unconditional love. My former neighbors had 2 miniature dachshunds that I fell in love with so I knew that I just had to have one. Little did I know then that I’d be lucky enough to have two,” says Rose while holding her pups proudly.

“Chai came to me and my husband Joe first, then a year later when his show dog litter-mate brother became available, we knew we had to bring Buzz into our lives as well. We had been following Buzz’s show career & when their breeder decided to no longer show Buzz , we called her immediately. The rest is history.”

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^Chai, loving the attention and modeling for our cameras!

Zap Fitness

“Chai & Buzz are both amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic – as probably most miniature dachshunds are & that’s why I fell in love with the breed originally.” says Rose. “They are really a great, loving breed of dog. However, they are fragile! Dachshunds aren’t supposed to over exert themselves physically because of their sensitive spines and frames. I always carry Chai and Buzz up any stairs and don’t let them jump or play too much. Especially since they’re older.”


^Buzz looking lean in green!

Buzz and Chai Q & A

Favorite Activity?

Walking along the beautiful Hoboken waterfront!

Favorite Dog Treat?

Any treat. They’re really aren’t picky.

Favorite Human Food?


Happy Place?

Together at home, huddled into a ball.

Celebrity Counterparts?

Chai is totally Snoopy, and Buzz his Woodstock!

Favorite Naughty Habit?

Sneaking into any closet that’s been mistakenly left open (to cause mischief, of course) Also Chai tells on Buzz when he feels that Buzz is up to something naughty.

Scared of?


Story behind their names?

Chai was named Chai because I love Chai tea. Buzz was named Buzz after a happy feeling.

Best dog friend?

Each other, they’re best friends!


Have a dog you’d like featured {rescue or your own}? Email a photo and your story to hello@hobokengirl.com!

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