Home PeoplePets The Dogs of Hoboken: Stanley {the English Bulldog}

The Dogs of Hoboken: Stanley {the English Bulldog}

by Will
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He’s a mozzarella eatin’, New York Giants lovin’ kinda guy… a Hobokenite through and through. Meet this week’s Hoboken dog of the week, Stanley!


^Stanley takes his beloved New York Giants very seriously, as many Hobokenites do.

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At first glance Stanley appears to be your typical bulldog: he’s a stubborn pup and does things his way, loves food, and he’s extremely lazy but quite a cuddle bug. But in many other ways he’s a very distinct bully. For one, he can walk from the PATH Station to Pier 13 and not break a sweat. He’s also a dog park wrestling champ who has been known to defeat dogs three times his size. His mom and dad Liz and Guy filled us in further on their bully beast.

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^Stanley, back in the day!

“I’ve never owned a dog before Stanley,” says Liz. “I remember when the breeder first handed Stanley to my husband. It was love at first sight for them. For me…not so much. Haha! I envisioned a smooth car ride home from the breeder with our new puppy sleeping like an angel. This is not what transpired. Stanley started biting through the cardboard box we had him in. Then he emptied his bowels. My husband was driving with one hand and trying to control the chaos with the other. I remember sitting with my head out the window thinking, no way am I going to be able to do this!”

“But five years later and here we are!” says Guy. “It has definitely been a learning experience but we could not picture life without our little Stannie!”

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stanley the english bulldog hoboken dog of the week hoboken girl

^Bulldogs make excellent pillows. Just ask Stanley’s brother.

“I know every dog owner says this but Stanley is like a person!” laughs Guy. “So very human. And he lives in superlatives. He doesn’t just get happy, he gets really happy. And when he wants something he will go to the ends of the earth for it! For example he loves big bouncy balls. When he sees one he will do everything in his power to get to it including going bezerk and making a scene! And he absolutely hates when you tell him no. He will bark even louder! Typical bulldog!”

stanley the english bulldog hoboken dog of the week hoboken girl

^Stanley and his dad!

“But on most days he’s a calm, cuddly bulldog.” says Liz. “We’re homebodies so it’s a perfect match for us with Stanley since he’s so lazy. We especially enjoy staying in with Stanley and our son, watching sports and cheering on our teams, whether its Giants or Mets!”

stanley the english bulldog hoboken dog of the week hoboken girl

^Stanley wrestling with his best friend Wally the Black Lab!

Stanley Q & A

Favorite dog treat?

Milk bones!

Favorite human food?

Sweet potato French fries.

Happy place?

On the couch next to his brother.

Favorite Hoboken joint?

He loves to beg for scraps from The Little Grocery when we take him for breakfast.

Favorite naughty habit?

Stealing underwear off the bathroom floor.

Obsessed with?

Traffic cones!

Scared of?

The vacuum!

Celebrity counterpart?

Brad Pitt because they are both so handsome and when people see them they want to take a picture.

Best dog friend?

Wally the black lab!

Funny/scary story?

Two years ago when our son was just born Stanley completely swallowed a pacifier. My wife and my dog walker had to walk/carry Stanley to the vet during a blizzard. After the prognosis they then had to take him to the animal hospital for surgery to get the pacifier out. Luckily they got it out and he was just fine! Stanley will eat anything!

stanley the english bulldog hoboken dog of the week hoboken girl

What a guy. Too cute! 

Stay tuned for our next Dog of Hoboken…coming soon!

[Email hello@hobokengirl.com to submit your pup!]

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