Home Food + DrinkBars 25 Activities for Your Summer Bucket List 2024 in Hoboken + Jersey City

25 Activities for Your Summer Bucket List 2024 in Hoboken + Jersey City

by Hoboken Girl Team
Attain Medspa
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We love the Hoboken and Jersey City area so much, and if you’re a fan too — or you just want to explore the area more, this is for you. The Hoboken Girl team has curated a guide to 25 activities for your local summer bucket list in Hoboken + Jersey City. Because we all know local summer is such a fun way to spend the months of June, July, and August – especially with easier parking, reservations being easier to get at tough-to-snag spots, and lots of fun events, this felt necessary.

summer bucket list hoboken jersey city

This bucket list of activities guides includes food spots to enjoy, activities to do, outdoor adventures, history adventures— truly all the things that make our area special. And of course, this is just 25 ideas to get you started; the opportunities and options are ENDLESS. We write about them every day on our site, TheHobokenGirl.com. We’re a team of locals that love to explore and learn about all the things happening in Hoboken, Jersey City and beyond. There’s also an ongoing calendar of events you can peruse each weekend here, and of course — add your own! It’s a free community resource.

To download our PDF guide to a local Hoboken + Jersey City summer, click here

Enjoy your summer, and tag us @thehobokengirl or @thejerseycitygirl on social media in your adventures!

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Harborside Sport + Spine
Snap Fitness JC


Zap Fitness
Old Lorenzos Pizza

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