Home LifestyleHome Decor + DIY Inside Jill + Matt’s Self-Designed {+ Gorgeous!} Jersey City Loft

Inside Jill + Matt’s Self-Designed {+ Gorgeous!} Jersey City Loft

by Tatiana
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There is nothing the team at HG loves more than a beautiful apartment, except a beautiful apartment designed on a budget. Marketing professional and Jersey City local Jill Sahner was kind enough to let us into her rental apartment to show us how she did just that. Jill and her boyfriend, Matt, met on Bumble three years ago and are now living in the very popular Soho Lofts in Jersey City. Neither had furniture they wanted to keep, so the pair was starting fresh in their new home {which we know can totally be overwhelming as the dollar signs start to add up quickly when purchasing new items}. After touring Jill’s apartment, however, it’s safe to say everyone on the HG team is ready to start revamping and Marie Kondo-ing our own living spaces – find out how she did it below.  

Jill Matt Soho loft kitchen

During our interview, we discovered that Jill’s apartment is, essentially, a Target showroom in the best way possible — as many of the key pieces in the home are from the beloved one-stop-shop store. Jill did the majority of her shopping online and most of the pieces are from the Loring collection. Not including the smaller decor pieces, the stunning bar stools, entryway table, coffee table, desk, bookshelf, mirror, chair, and dresser that Jill is using as a media console are all from Target.

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Jill Matt Soho loft bar stool

Jill, however, didn’t exclusively use Target for all her decorating needs. Her dining table is the perfect size for a one bedroom and actually comes from Wayfair. The rug is from Urban and the on-point styled bar cart is from Joss & Main. Bar carts have recently become one of the most fun things to decorate and adding a letter board keeps it up to date with any favorite memes, photos, or seasonal sayings. Decorative bar cart aside, the real stand out piece in Jill’s home is her bookshelf. Again, impeccably styled, she utilized the bottom shelf as storage for extra pillows and blankets.

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Jill Matt Soho loft couch

Moving into the living room, Jill’s couch is from Raymour & Flanigan and pulls out to a queen-sized bed, too. Jill said that it has been used multiple times by their friends and secretly wants to sleep on it alone one night {sorry, Matt} to test it out for herself. If you are in a one-bedroom and know that friends will frequently be crashing at your pad, going with a pull-out couch is a smart move.

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Jill Matt Soho loft stand

jill matt soho loft apartment jersey city

As gorgeous as her apartment is with such trendy new items, Jill’s number one decorating-money-saver is her free bed frame that she got from Casaza for winning a contest.

Jill Matt Soho Loft bedroom

The story goes like this: Jill met the Property Brothers one day at a meet-and-greet they were doing outside her Union Square office. After meeting them and posting a picture on her Instagram, Casaza reached out to let her know she won their sweepstake of having a 30-minute design session with the Property Brothers themselves and $1,000 to spend at their store.

jill matt soho loft apartment

She and Matt used this opportunity to upgrade their full-sized bed to a queen. The finishing touches on the frame are a DKNY comforter and pillows from the ever so loved Marshalls/World Market Stores. Night stands continue to be the hardest pieces of furniture to find when styling a bedroom, but Jill and Matt found the perfect skinny night stands from IKEA for their cozy bedroom.

Jill Matt Soho loft wall

Storage is the most difficult thing about the apartment, Jill says, and if you live with your significant other in a one bedroom you probably feel Jill and Matt’s pain. The couple have tried sticking to a new rule – “You buy something new, you throw something out,” and Jill says it is working out for them in their shared living space.

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Renting can be challenging for anyone who wants to add her or his own specific style into the home, but Jill is proof that any renters can do just that while sticking to a budget. She is currently working marketing, but is exploring more and more into the world of interior design – check out her follow her inspo-worthy @jillsahner and shop her likeToKnowIt account.

Are you living in a rental? Have any design tips to help jazz the space up? Let us know in the comments below!

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