Home Jersey City Female Business Owners Share Their Advice For Fellow Women Entrepreneurs

Female Business Owners Share Their Advice For Fellow Women Entrepreneurs

by Arielle Witter
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Happy International Women’s Day, Hudson County! If there’s one thing we’re big fans of here on team Hoboken Girl it’s women supporting other women. Whether that support comes in the form of physical help, advice, or something else, we love it. This time around, however, we got in touch with a few female local business owners in Hoboken + Jersey City to share what piece of advice they’ve learned along the road to full-blown entrepreneurship. Their words of wisdom are below.

female owned businesses

“Always, always, trust your instincts. For all women have an innate ability to connect to their intuition. Quiet your mind and all the naysayers. Listen to that voice deep within. She will always keep you on your path. If you ever feel defeated or that you may have taken a wrong turn, simply remember there is nothing stronger than the unwavering female spirit. Trust yourself, for women are survivors, and we are all uniquely amazing.”

– Sara Khosrowjerdi from House of Healer

“Stop sprinting, it’s not a race! There are many paths to success and everyone’s timelines are different. Focus on the constant evolution of your business and yourself.”

Noël Fiorentinos from Work it Out

Snap Fitness JC
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“Don’t let fear be a factor in decision making.”

– Rachel Sieg from HDSID

Zap Fitness

See More: Local Business Owners Share What Shopping Small *Actually* Means to Them

“If you’re starting or growing an endeavor, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about first, then consider how to monetize it. Ask advice from a wide range of people you trust and admire, but – at the end of the day – listen to your own instincts and back up any ideas with a healthy dose of due diligence.”

– Kristen  Scalia, Kanibal +  Co

“Always be consistent no matter what the field you are in. Think of yourself as a client/customer and what you would expect from the business as a customer — then go that extra mile for them — that is what will set you apart from the rest.”

– Eva Johannesdottir from The Cliff

“Keep [a] focus on what you are doing and never compare yourself to others. You were meant to lead the path you are forging.”

– Michelle Berckes  from Busy Bee Organics

“My advice would be to prepare but stay flexible. Business is great when you prepare but are fluid and open, for advice and for the unexpected. Count on your closest advisors to get you through. For me, it’s fellow business owners and my family.”

– Elizabeth Cain from Hazel Baby + Kids and Hound About Town

“Know your purpose. When you are clear about your ‘why,’ it allows you to make meaningful choices that align with your overall mission. Jane DO was built on a purpose, to build the strongest community of the most powerful women and everything we do ladders up to notion.”

Jace + Dani from Jane DO

“Surround yourself with and support other female entrepreneurs in your community. There is an unparalleled sense of community amongst the female business owners in Jersey City. Women authentically supporting women formed the backbone of my business and is the driving force in its continued growth. Every business can benefit from a female’s perspective, which is easily proven by the number of successful, thriving female-owned businesses in Jersey City.”

–  Jen Gonzalez from Doody Free Girl 

“Always keep the people who feel like sunflowers close to you, they’re the ones who will keep pushing you and inspiring you to create. Being a young entrepreneur is difficult, but I take each experience no matter how harsh or hurtful and allow it to help me grow like a sunflower in the sunshine.’

– Kiersten Gormeley from Shaka Bowl

“Laugh at those times that you fail — it makes it easier to get back up.”

– Krista Gormeley from Shaka Bowl

Read More: A List of Female-Owned Hoboken + Jersey City Businesses to Support

“Take every phone call, every meeting, any opportunity to meet — you never know where it will lead you.”

– Vanessa Rissetto from Vanessa Rissetto RD

“The world is constantly evolving, embrace change by constantly challenging yourself. Surround yourself with business like-minded people, you are only as good as your team. Be humble and GRIND as if your three, five, 10, or 20 years in [the] business is day one.”

– Lorraine Fred  from Lorraine’s House of Styles

“Listen to your gut. I think the most important thing I’ve learned to do as an entrepreneur is to get in touch with my intuition and really learn to listen, even when it seems crazy. There have been many times when what instinctually felt like the right decision was the opposite of what logically made sense ‘on paper.’ But, learning to do a gut check and make choices that aligned with what feels right has been instrumental in maintaining a business and a life that continues to not only bring success but brings happiness as well.”

– Kate Lombardo from Hudson Yoga Project

“Never stop believing in yourself. It’s easy to let self-doubt creep in and keep you from living out your dreams. When you feel self-doubt start to enter your mind, send it away! Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but you’ve got to work for it. You’ve got to decide what you want and go after it. There will be obstacles, there will be naysayers, you will have to do things you’ve never done before — and you will realize what you are made of. You’ve got this!”

–  Celeste Camano from Asana Soul Practice

“Do it scared.”

–  Judy Nunez  from Tails on Trails LLC

“Create an entrepreneur tribe of incredible women.So far the most valuable thing for me and my business {the Fiscal Femme} has been having an entrepreneur tribe for support, inspiration, and calling me out on my crap. In my group, there are four of us in total, and we meet every couple of months in person and talk all day long on a WhatsApp chat thread. We answer each other’s questions and provide feedback on anything and everything, lift each other up on the down days {because entrepreneurship is a roller coaster ride!}, and challenge one another on our limiting beliefs and non-serving tendencies. Having this group has also saved our partners and friends many hours of talking through our business issues so it’s a win-win on so many levels. It’s a very special dynamic and I would recommend all entrepreneurs create an entrepreneur tribe for themselves.”

– Ashley Feinstein Gerstley of  The Fiscal Femme

“It’s super important to reflect and be grateful for everything you experience while owning your own business. Every high and low, every joy, and ever crazy moment…I always take time to reflect on whatever the scenario is and find so much gratitude in all of it, because all of those moments got me to where I am!”

– Veronica Polce from Veronica Joy Events

“Running your own business requires a lot of time and energy and sometimes you feel like you’re failing… maybe every day… don’t let the feeling of failure prevent you from pursuing your interests. The failures you may face will help you grow and strengthen your business in ways you would never foresee.”

– Kimberley Bueno-Schonig  from The Cuddly Cottage 

“One of the factors you try to look at when you start a business is your competitors. As I soon found out after starting my business, everything actually depends on yourself. You get rewarded when you put in honest hard work. There is no competition.”

– Tina Rivera from Baking Mama 

“Who you surround yourself with is so important. Be sure to clear your circle of negativity, and instead fill it with people who inspire you. From there, you’ll thrive.”

Ani Petrosyan-Baran from NJ Acupuncture Center 

“Trust your instincts and stay true to who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. And don’t be afraid to take some risks along the way!”

– Gabi Lombardi from Sorellina 

“My advice to other entrepreneurs in three words — faith, perseverance, and patience.”

–  Daisy Arroyo from Daisy’s Wearable Art

“Support other women. And don’t just preach it online. Genuinely do it. Women are a force to be reckoned with, and if we lift each other up, help each other like we would a sister, we create better businesses, and better economies. I truly believe women will rule the world one day but only if we empower and help each other do it.”

– Alessia Aron from Beyond the Plate Tours

What advice do you have for local female entrepreneurs? Let us know in the comments!


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