Home LifestyleHealth 3 Morning Life Hacks That Will Change Your Day

3 Morning Life Hacks That Will Change Your Day

by Laurel
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Whether you realize it or not morning routines have a significant impact on how your day unfolds. Here, meditation coach Laurel Lederman shares her healthy hacks that will 100% change your day.




Picture this scenario:

You went to bed pretty late and are now hitting the snooze button five times before you finally get out of bed. After the last snooze rings, you shoot out of bed with eyes half open — and begin the mad rush to make it out the door in 30 minutes or less all while bumping into furniture since you’re not exactly awake yet. You brush your teeth then eat something quickly {or not at all} as you vigilantly monitor your time as to not miss the bus you planned on taking. In a panic, you get dressed — feeling as if you have nothing to wear so you throw everything on the floor and vow to clean it up later. Once you make it out the door you run to the bus and as you sit down to catch your breath you begin sweating. You then compulsively check your phone as to distract yourself from the stress but you’re still wired. You get off the bus and like the Tasmanian Devil you wiz your way through people and cars to get to your destination. By the time you get to work you already want to leave because you’re tired so you fill up a huge mug with coffee, it seems to help until you crash around 2pm and grab a candy bar for a quick energy burst. The sugar makes you feel fatigued and getting to 5 o’clock feels dreadful. By the time you can leave you are completely spent. You arrive home, collapse on your couch. You feel too tired to cook to so you order some pizza and zombie-out to Netflix. The next thing you know it’s 10 o’clock and you have a sudden burst of energy. You make it to bed after midnight and the frantic cycle continues the next morning.

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Now, picture this scenario:

Your home is your sanctuary so you are mindful of how you use your time after a long day. You prepare for sleep by doing an act of self-care such as an epsom salt bath or cup of chamomile tea. An hour before bed you turn off all technology and allow yourself ample time to unwind in bed before falling asleep. Your sleep is regular and you wake up extra early to enjoy the serenity of a silent morning. Since you’ve carved out extra time in the morning you feel at ease as you eat a homemade breakfast, get dressed and pack up for the day. There is no need to rush to your destination because you have left yourself ample time to get to where you need to be. In fact, you have time to stop at your favorite coffee shop for a latte. As you settle in at work with very few co-workers or people around you are able to prioritize your day and have a chance to appreciate your alone time before your team arrives. You are excited for the day because you know what you have to get done. When 2 o’clock rolls around you start to feel a little low on energy so you make a conscious decision about what snack to choose. The rest of the day unfolds nicely with a few hiccups (as to be expected in anyone’s day) and you return home the same way you left, peaceful and centered.

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As an entrepreneur in town my days and weeks can be wild cards.  It requires careful planning to ensure I have a productive day — and it all starts in the evening, before I go to sleep when I make sure I’m ready for the next day – it’s really as simple as that. However even if you work a more traditional job, creating a solid routine can help you feel more content in your day to day life. In thinking about my own rituals and routines I’ve chosen 3 easy-to-do actions steps you can take today to have a happier day-to-day existence. 

1. Create a Sleep Schedule.

Sleep is a non-negotiable. In order to have a good day you must sleep well the night before. Sleep is needed to rejuvenate and revive our bodies on a cellular level. Without sleep we would literally cease to exist. But it isn’t just the act of sleeping that’s important it’s when you sleep and how.

Try implementing these rituals and notice if the quality of your sleep shifts:

a. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

b. Turn off all distractions an hour before sleep {internet, television, phones, gadgets, etc.}.

c. Mix a tablespoon of magnesium with filtered water. The raspberry flavored Natural Calm by Natural Vitality is great — it progressively lowers anxiety by raising your magnesium levels to a healthy place and gives your nervous system time to recoup.

2. Wake Up Earlier.

Waking up earlier is a number one game changer in sleep quality. It’s satisfying to be able to start your day with time on your side. Doing mundane tasks like making breakfast, packing up and getting dressed are more enjoyable when you have extra time. Waking up an hour early even gives time for a 20-minute yoga sequence. Who doesn’t want to start their day fueled, polished, and grounded?

3. Morning Pages.

By far, Morning Pages is the number one way to reset in the morning. Here’s what is is: The Morning Pages is a tool  from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. It’s simple: three pages of uncensored and unplanned free writing done by hand every single morning. Cleaning out the original inbox {the brain} is a guaranteed way to free up head-space so your mind can be clutter-free from the get go. Whatever you write is for your eyes only, and it truly doesn’t matter what you write about — just get it out on paper and you’ll feel a huge release of stress. PROMISE!


Between work and home responsibilities it’s easy to let the day get you into a tizzy. But the truth is we have a choice in how we start our day regardless of how it may end up unfolding. Starting your day with a purpose creates feelings of contentment, balance and connection to life. It’s all about having solid routines and rituals that work for you and start at bedtime to ensure a good morning.

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