Home Uncategorized Top {#Hoboken} Photos of the Week

Top {#Hoboken} Photos of the Week

by Genna
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As we head back to work after a super soggy Sunday {turned beautiful afternoon}, we hope that you were anxiously awaiting this week’s round-up of top #Hoboken-featured Instagrammers! Although the rain storm outside may have brought this lovely warm heat wave, these shots remind us of the dry {beautiful-but-frigid} weather that graced us last week,which allowed our talented ‘grammers to capture the awesome shots that follow.


photo by @3riannamichelle

This looks like a beautiful watercolor painting – a pure gift to our best of #Hoboken competition!


photo by @djtakefive

sojo spa
Hello Hydration Sidebar

We loved this unlikely {church-themed} submission after so many waterfront captures; thanks for sharing your view!


Zap Fitness

photo by @jjlr

This charming capture was a no-brainer winner. How could you not love this little #Hoboken vignette on Court Street?


photo by @macd1384

Can you believe this was #NoFilter? Just Hoboken casually showing off its view.


photo by @mchiaviello

Atypical {ferry} location, but artistic nonetheless {we’re quite impressed}!


photo by @mightymongoose

B&W filters make everything more beautiful, don’t you think?


photo by @raynorshine819

Beautiful sunrise or a Star Wars spaceship heading our way? You decide.


photo by @richbean81

Last but certainly not least: adore this creative angle captured by one artistic #Hoboken resident.

Thank you to all for your #Hoboken submissions!

Don’t forget to hashtag #Hoboken and tag @hobokengirlblog on Instagram, and your artistic Hoboken snapshot might be featured in our next photo round-up!

Until next week,


READ: Last Week’s Top {#Hoboken} Photos of the Week Here

Aspen Prime

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