Ah, a new year, new resolutions — and yes, a ton of new people at the gym. If you’ve frequented the gym for a while or this is actually your first rodeo, chances are you’ve seen a lot of different types of people in a fitness class or at the gym. To help you sort through the workout wilderness, we’ve rounded them up for your comedic pleasure, so that next time you won’t get annoyed, you’ll just chuckle to yourself. Oh and BTW — as the author of this post, I’ve definitely been at least 10 of these at one point or another in my gym “career”. #NoJudgment.
1. The one decked out in all new holiday workout gear.
She’s wearing Lulu from head-to-toe and may even still have the tags left on one piece by accident. Hey no judgment here, no shame in looking fresh for your new fit routine.
2. The one with Mariah Carey circa NYE 2017 effort.
You know the one. She starts the sets 20-30 seconds after the instructor says “go” and stops when the countdown is at 10.
3. The one who clearly dragged her friend to the gym.
And her friend is not having it (see #2).
4. The one annoyed with everyone who is “new” to the gym.
Calm yo’self meathead, we get it. You were here first.
5. The one who is perpetually late.
Strolling in 5-15 minutes late like it ain’t no thang.
6. The one who isn’t following the instructor at all.
Turned to the back of the room when everyone’s forward, and hey, we’ve all been there — especially in Zumba.
7. The one who isn’t following the instructor at all — by choice.
We get it. You just “don’t do lunges.”
8. The one with no personal space guidelines.
It’s called personal space for a reason, and even though some classes pack us in like sardines, there are lines and boundaries, people. RESPECT THEM.
9. The one who just did a juice cleanse.
How do you know she did one? Don’t worry, she’ll tell you.
10. The one who snuck her phone in.
She’s texting during cycling, and checks her phone {perchance the time?} at the end of every interval. If only she could tell us what the clock says…
11. The one who is wearing a full face of makeup.
Unless you’ve come straight from work {and your job is at Sephora}, there is *NO* reason for this. And if this is you at hot yoga, well then, #godspeed.
12. The one who does 3 extra burpees after instructor says stop.
Overachiever 101.
13. The one who skips the stretch.
Making a mad dash for the exit, she’s too good for loosening those muscles, and too good for waiting till the end of class aka interrupting the two minutes of savasana or child’s pose before the mad rush to the door. Did those two minutes really change your life?
14. The one who is still on the couch, sending you memes and their regards.
‘Nuff said.