Unmasked PATH riders will be potentially fined $50 starting Monday, November 2nd. It is currently required by law to wear a mask in indoor spaces — and outdoors when social distancing isn’t possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic in both New York and New Jersey.
A press release from the Port Authority this past week stated, “This past week, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced that it will impose a fine for failure to wear a mask or face covering appropriately in Port Authority facilities.”
The fine would be recommended as $50, according to the PABT, and be effective as of Monday, November 2nd.
In New York, the law currently states that any person who is over the age of two and able to medically tolerate a face-covering shall be required to cover their nose and mouth with a mask or face-covering when in a public place and unable to maintain, or when not maintaining, social distance. Read more here.
See More: The Latest COVID-19 Updates for Hoboken + Jersey City
In New Jersey, Executive Order No. 163 requires individuals to wear face coverings in outdoor public spaces when it is not practicable to socially distance and keep a six-foot distance from others. NJ law also requires face coverings in indoor spaces that are accessible to members of the public, such as retail, recreational, and entertainment businesses, areas of government buildings open to the public, and mass transit buses, trains, and stations, again with exceptions for health reasons and children under two. Read more here.
“This move is part of agency’s commitment to supporting the New York and New Jersey state requirements on mask wearing in transportation facilities,” it continued. “The Port Authority will continue to put primary emphasis on voluntary compliance. Since March, the agency has used public announcements, posters and digital signage, mask giveaways and education days, and one-on-one interaction to make travelers aware of the health and safety protocols established by the states of New York and New Jersey in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.” For more information, visit: https://www.panynj.gov/port-authority/en/alerts/coronavirus-updates.html
Read More: The Daily COVID-19 Tracker for Hoboken + Jersey City