People around the world have tons of questions regarding how the Coronavirus manifests in the body, what the symptoms are, and what exactly it’s like to deal with the virus. In an attempt to answer some of these burning questions, Hoboken Girl readers have been reaching out to us about their experience testing positive for COVID-19.
While people of any age are vulnerable to the virus, the symptoms certainly present themselves differently from person to person. In fact, this 30-year-old Jersey City resident who tested positive for COVID-19 shared their story with us, and for this patient, the virus presented itself in a unique way. Read on to learn their story.
Where do you live?
Jersey City.
What do you do for work?
When did you first feel symptoms?
What were they? How severe/mild were they?
When did you decide to take a test? What made you decide?
How do you think you contracted COVID19?
Did you have any difficulty getting tested?
When did you test positive? How long did it take for results?
Did you need to go to a doctor or hospital? Where did you go?
What have you been doing to recover? Are you home?
What medications are you taking?
Are you still experiencing symptoms? How long have you been quarantining for?
Before you found out you were positive, did you go anywhere locally?
What have doctors told you since you have to quarantine? Is there a timeline? Will you need to get tested again to leave your house?
How do you feel the government is handling the epidemic?
Any advice for someone who thinks they’re positive?
Listen to your instincts and not what people tell you. I listened to other people and did not fight for a test and I risked a lot of lives around me that could have gotten sick. If you feel sick, you know your body more than a doctor, the media, or a family member. Get tested, if you cannot get tested, quarantine yourself the best you can.
Anything else you can share to help ease our readers’ minds or inform them of at this scary time.
Did you know: We started a podcast about all things news and lifestyle in Hoboken + Jersey City! Listen to the latest episode of Tea on the Hudson here and subscribe.