Home Fashion + BeautyAccessories Aaraa Accessories to Close Hoboken Storefront in October

Aaraa Accessories to Close Hoboken Storefront in October

by Jennifer Tripucka
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As most Hoboken residents know, it’s our neighbors and unique spots in town that make it such a special place — from the waterfront all the way back to Harrison Street. And in town, we know that businesses come and go as seasons change {sadly}. But if you’ve ever walked down 6th Street, chances are you’ve come across a hidden gem of a jewelry shop that piqued your interest and pulled you in — as its been a staple in Hoboken for over 15 years. The shop, known as Aaraa Accessories, houses stylish jewels and gems from around the world,as well as some carefully curated gifts. But what truly makes the shop special is its owner, Neeta King, who, if you’ve ever met her, is one of the most welcoming and caring people we’ve come across in the Mile Square. That’s why we were quite saddened when we heard that Neeta is moving to North Carolina and closing the shop {continuing it as an online business}.

Neeta’s husband is relocating to the south for work, so she is joining him and starting a new adventure there — leaving her beloved Hoboken behind.  The shop will still remain open online as a full service jewelry boutique, but the space that once housed many events, shopping, and get-togethers will be closed as of the end of October {6th Street Antiques will stay!}. Regardless, for those who know Neeta, it’s a sad day for the Hoboken community {and its pets — whom Neeta welcomes with loads of treats and open arms every time a dog walks by the shop!}, as everyone who knows the care and curation that she puts into her little storefront will be greatly missed.

In 2014 Neeta brought on Tiffany Pinero to help consult with product and breathe new life into her marketing. In the age of social media tiffany helped establish an online presence for the store creating imagery for Instagram and Facebook that has allowed admirers far and wide to be able to experience Aaraa. That experience will continue on Aaraa.com where Tiffany is a partner in the business.

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^Tiffany working her magic on their adorable storefront

Tiffany told us, “While I think like many it is hard to not be heartbroken with Neeta moving and the store closing, I am so appreciative of all the utterly happy memories I’ve had with her and the amazing community at 408 6th Street. From fundraisers to female empowerment chats to style nights — to just working in the store and every dog on the street dragging their owners in because they love Neeta and they know she has treats…! It really was a treasure chest come to life that went well beyond the products. Neeta is a one of a kind person and she makes everyone feel like they are one of a kind too, going to miss that on the regular.”

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Neeta shared her thoughts with us about leaving, and why she has made Hoboken her home {since 1998}:

“There are too many things I love about living in Hoboken — that it is so multi-cultural, and Aaraa was so well accepted with all our global wares. I’ll miss the variety and late night availability of food, the shopping — all the little boutiques add a uniqueness to the town. The waterfront, the many parks and the view…we have a better view than the New Yorkers, that’s for sure.”

^Neeta’s beautiful shop

And as many locals ask when they make the [dreaded?] leap to the suburbs for more space, “What am I going to do when I move to the suburbs? I will have to get my act together and plan my food deliveries — unlike in Hoboken, where I can order even at 10:00PM.” Can’t help ya there, Neeta…

But in all seriousness, we will {and our pets will} greatly miss Neeta in our community. She hosted special events, was a generous philanthropist, and made sure that everyone felt welcome in her store.

^A lemonade stand to raise money for Madison Rose — hosted unprompted by Neeta + Tiffany, champions of giving back to the greater good. Aaraa also was a drop-off spot for our Hoboken Girl Helps WomenRising Children’s Room Makeover, and many other local get-togethers.

“The most valuable lesson I learned from the people that walked into Aaraa is the sense of community,” Neeta shared with us. “I am a better person today because of what I learned from our customers, and I am more evolved because of the questions they asked me — which forced me to look for answers instead of giving wrong answers. And I know more about my culture because of the questions I was asked.” The boutique housed many beautiful items from India, where Neeta was born, and offered customers a unique perspective into some of the beautiful jewelry and artifacts from around the world.

“People shopped with us not only because they liked our stuff but also because they believed in supporting local,” she said proudly. “Most Hobokenites try to shop local, and I am very grateful to everyone for it.”

The store will be open until around the end of October, so make sure you stop into 408 6th Street and say goodbye! And of course, check them out online here {Neeta and Tiffany also said there will be pop up shops in the future and will definitely be bringing in amazing stock online — so stay tuned!}.

{+ mention Hoboken Girl for a special discount!}.

On behalf of many Hoboken residents {and puppies}, Neeta, you will be missed.

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