Home CultureEntertainment HDSID Announces Spring/Summer Jersey City Event Schedule + Vendor Applications

HDSID Announces Spring/Summer Jersey City Event Schedule + Vendor Applications

by Hoboken Girl Team
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This article is sponsored by the Historic Downtown Special Improvement District.

Spring might still be a few weeks away (thanks Punxsutawney Phil) but that doesn’t mean we can’t start planning all the warm-weather activities that are on the horizon. The 16th Annual Spring Summer Historic Downtown Farmer’s Market hosted by the Historic Downtown Special Improvement District (HDSID) is back starting on April 24th. Get ready to shop local goods, fresh produce, and artisan items that will take your homemade meals to the next level. Plus, the Handmade Market (previously the Artist + Marker Market) sells curated items from your fave local and small businesses, including decor, jewelry, art, and more. Keep reading for more about HDSID’s upcoming spring + summer events in Jersey City and how to become a vendor.


Upcoming Spring Summer Events

Farm Fresh in Jersey City

The Historic Downtown Farmers Market offers fresh, local food year round. Operating for over a decade, the market is conveniently located by the PATH Train station and Grove Street bus stop, right in the heart of historic downtown. Operating from January until mid-December, it’s the perfect spot to grab your groceries and treats, including fresh produce, pies, cookies, flowers, and more. And lucky for us, the spring/summer season is kicking off on Monday, April 24th.HDSID-farmers-market

Shop Local, Curated Items

The newly revamped Handmade Market (previously Artist + Marker Market) is the local spot to find one-of-a-kind items sourced and created by small businesses.This open-air bazaar supports businesses that craft handmade goods as an alternative to mass-produced items. The goal is to cultivate small business and entrepreneurship by providing a thriving place for them to sell. Starting Wednesday, May 3rd, the Handmade Market will run through September 30th on Wednesdays from 3:00PM-8:00PM and Saturdays from 12:00PM-6:00PM. 

If you’re a local business looking to participate in the Handmade Market, you can apply to become a vendor. The process is easy and can be done online. Just fill out the application or email Alyssa Dobles at [email protected] with questions.

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Groove on Grove

Shoppers will also be in for a special treat of local live music at the PATH Plaza every Wednesday starting May 3rd, courtesy of Groove on Grove. The free summer weekly music series features a wide variety of musicians and performers and is a family-friendly event sure to take your shopping experience to a new level. If you’re interested in performing at Groove on Grove, reach out to Tony at [email protected]





Become a Vendor + Sponsorship 

If you’re a local business looking to get in front of more people, you should definitely consider becoming a vendor at the Historic Downtown Farmers Market or Handmade Market. You can view the application and guidelines at jcdowntown.org.

And even though we don’t want to really think about summer ending before it even begins, it’s worth marking your calendar for the premier event in downtown Jersey City — the All About Downtown Street Fair. The Street Fair features everything from handmade candles and jewelry to local businesses promoting their services. The Fair also has kids rides, face painting, beer gardens, and live music throughout the day. You can visit the Fair Saturday, September 9th, from 12PM-8PM on Newark Avenue between Grove and Coles St.

The HDSID also has sponsorship opportunities available for businesses that want to help support these great events. You can check out the sponsorship kit or email Rachel Sieg at [email protected] with any questions or to create a customized sponsorship plan.HDSID-vendor-application



The Historic Downtown Special Improvement District (HDSID) is a public-private partnership, 501(C) which allows local business owners to directly impact the neighborhoods in Historic Downtown Jersey City. The HDSID works with local businesses, property owners, and neighborhood associations in partnership with city government to make Historic Downtown Jersey City a better place to live, work, and visit.


The Spring/Summer Historic Downtown Farmers Market kicks off on April 24th and will take place on Mondays and Thursdays from 4:00PM-8:00PM. The Handmade Market will begin May 3rd and run through September 30th, with the market open on Wednesday’s from 3:00PM-8:00PM and Saturday’s from 12:00PM-6:00PM.


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