Home Events + News The Best Tweets About Hoboken {in August}

The Best Tweets About Hoboken {in August}

by Jennifer Tripucka
wonder lofts
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Let’s face it, Hoboken residents are funny {most of ’em} and know how to take a joke/make a joke and put it into 140 characters or less. And because we love Hoboken that much, we stalked down our favorite tweets of the month on social just because we wanted you to have some afternoon enjoyment while at work {PS: follow HG on twitter: @hobokengirlblog}.


Here are our favorites from the month, in no particular order:

JK Therapy
The Devan

Jake, we’ll ignore your blaring typo — but totally agree.


That’s Hoboken for ya. Sooo hipster. ;-) 

Come across a funny tweet or IG pic? Make sure to email it to [email protected]!

Old Lorenzos Pizza

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