Home LifestyleHealthFitness Powerflow Yoga in Hoboken Closing February 28th

Powerflow Yoga in Hoboken Closing February 28th

by Hoboken Girl Team
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In an email sent to students yesterday, January 10th, Powerflow Yoga’s Hoboken location has announced it will be closing its doors as of February 28th, 2023. Though other area locations remain open, such as Jersey City and Clifton, Powerflow Yoga expressed gratitude for the support from loyal students and the community. Keep reading for more about this studio and what you can expect from other Powerflow locations.

powerflow yoga

The Studio:

^Lobby area- love the floors and adorable cubbies!

 The first thing you’ll notice as soon as you enter the studio is the social atmosphere Powerflow has created. The waiting area isn’t huge, but it’s very welcoming and quite obvious that all the students feel really comfortable in the space. The class before was still finishing up, so the students who were waiting to take the next class were all gathered and chatting in the common area. The front desk staff was very friendly and helped answer all of the questions. They made sure to check and see if I’d practiced yoga before (I have) and if I’ve been to hot yoga (not often) since it’s a bit stressful on your body to start. Practicing in a hot studio is obviously a different experience, and the staff said I was in for a treat with the teacher.


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^Fun retail items for sale in the lobby

Normally I bring a yoga mat to any class; I’m a little bit of a germ freak — but I’d forgotten my mat at home that day. Thankfully, Powerflow has Jade mats (my absolute fave — seriously, they’re pricey but sooo worth it) available to rent for $2. The mat was very clean and looked brand new. Make sure to remember to bring water, another hot yoga essential; they also have water for sale if need be along with hot yoga towels and accessories. Cubbies are available to hold all personal belongings, and the ladies and the front desk assured that a staff member would always be present to keep an eye on things.

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The Class:

^Students setting up for class inside the studio.

The room was prettttty hot when we entered since a class had been in just before us (like 90 degrees). Some of the students opened the windows to let some fresh air in, which was a good idea at the start of class, especially since it can be a lot to walk into. This class was the Tuesday, 6:45PM Hot Jivamukti Inspired Flow with Jeffrey Scios. Jeffrey is an 800-hour certified teacher (which is a super-advanced certification). He had an amazing sense of humor and kept the class lighthearted but also grounded in yoga principles and spirituality. One of my favorite parts of the class was Jeffrey’s music. His playlist was upbeat and fun but still provided a really relaxing and “yoga-like” atmosphere for the class. Songs included Midnight Rider by The Allman Brothers and Sympathy for the Devil mixed with traditional yoga music by artists like Manorama and Ram Dass. He also weaves in some chanting, which the students eagerly participated in and seemed familiar with. His class had a fast-paced flow and postures including arm-balances and inversions. I’m a fairly-advanced practitioner and because I don’t practice in a hot studio very often, I found this class pretty challenging. If you’re new to yoga or hot yoga, make sure to check with the front desk and find the class that’s best for you.


^Jade mats hanging up to dry after being cleaned.

One thing I loved about this studio is how clean it was. I’ve been to other hot yoga studios where the floors and mats are left sweaty (so gross). Not here. All of the students quickly cleaned their mats with disinfectant and hung them up to dry on the racks in the common area. A staff member immediately came and mopped up the floor, and other staff members checked in to see how everyone enjoyed class. Bathrooms were available for use and have showers in them, which I imagine is important for a morning class (but not so much for evening). Either way, you’re going to want a serious shower after the sweatfest that will ensue!

Building Community:

^Community board with info about fun workshops and events at the studio.

It’s very obvious that Powerflow has worked hard to build a strong sense of community at the studio. The students clearly feel extremely comfortable and there’s a positive energy the second you walk into the studio.

HG Hot Yoga Tips to Remember

There are many benefits to hot yogaincluding detoxification of the skin, warmed muscles, and increased cardiovascular exercise. But, our bodies are also not used to practicing in extremely hot temperatures, so it’s important to take precautions to keep yourself safe. Follow these tips to make sure you feel great after your class:

  1. Drink lots of water before and during class. It’s extremely important to keep hydrated throughout the day if you know you’re going to a hot yoga class. You’re going to sweat a ton, and you need to make sure your body is ready for that.
  2. Take a class at, or one step below, your level. Like I said earlier, I have a fairly advanced yoga practice and taking class in a hot studio was definitely a challenge for me. When you first get started with hot yoga, try out different teachers and see which one is right for you. Ask the staff at the front desk, they’ll point you in the right direction.
  3. Don’t overstretch. Your muscles are way looser in a hot yoga class. This will help you to increase your flexibility. Just make sure not to overstretch, as your muscles aren’t used to stretching in extreme heat.
  4. Take breaks and let go of the ego. If you’re feeling dizzy or overworked in class, it’s 100% ok to take a break. Come to child’s pose or lay on your back and give yourself a minute to regroup. Make sure to keep drinking water throughout class.

yoga renew hoboken

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