Home Culture Hoboken is Getting a Visit from the Easter Bunny Saturday — Here’s the Route

Hoboken is Getting a Visit from the Easter Bunny Saturday — Here’s the Route

by Jennifer Tripucka
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This Saturday, April 3rd, the Easter Bunny is hopping back to Hoboken thanks to the Hoboken Police Department and World of Wonder Day Care. The Easter Bunny will depart Hoboken Police Department HQ at 104 Hudson Street at 1 PM on Saturday, April 3rd, and will follow the below route around the City of Hoboken.

hoboken easter bunny

Generally, the plan is to go from Washington Street and move west taking north/south streets. We estimate this will take approximately 3 hours to complete.

Real-time updates regarding the location of the Easter Bunny will be posted on Twitter at www.twitter.com/HobokenEmily – you do not have to have a Twitter account to access this page.

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Hoboken Easter Bunny Route

START: Hoboken Police Department, 106 Hudson Street.
Travel south to Observer Highway and make first pass north on Washington Street to 15th Street.
Turn right on 15th Street across to Shipyard Lane and travel south to 11th Street, then back up Sinatra Drive, left on 14th Street across to Hudson.
Travel south on Hudson Street to 1st Street, making the left to go east to Sinatra Drive.
Travel north on Sinatra Drive to 4th Street, turning left to go one block to River Street and south on River Street to Newark.
Start at the bottom of Bloomfield Street at Observer and travel north to 14th Street.
Turn left on 14th to pick up Garden Street and follow south back to Observer.
Pick up Park Ave starting at Observer and travel north up to Church Square Park, taking a left onto 4th Street to Willow Ave, following Willow Ave south to Newark.
Turn right on Newark to pick up Clinton Street and travel north to 5th Street, turning right on 5th Street to go east to Park Ave.
Travel north up Park Ave from 5th to 14th Street, turning left on 14th Street to pick up Willow Ave going south.
Travel south on Willow Ave from 14th Street to Newark and make another pass up Clinton Street this time to 13th Street.
Turn left on 13th Street from Clinton and travel two blocks west to Adams.
Turn right on Adams to travel north to 15th Street, then turn right to go one block east to pick up Grand Street.
Travel south on Grand Street from 15th to 11th Street, turning right on 11th Street to go west to Jefferson.
Travel south on Jefferson from 11th to 9th Street, turning left on 9th Street to go east to Grand.
Travel south on Grand Street from 9th Street to Newark, turning right to go one block west to Adams.
Travel north on Adams from Newark to 8th Street, turning left on 8th to go one block west to Jefferson.
Travel south on Jefferson from 8th Street to Observer, turning right to go one block west to Madison.
Travel north on Madison from Observer to 12th Street, turning left on 12th Street to go west one block to Monroe Street.
Travel south on Monroe Street from 12th Street to Paterson Ave, turning right to go one block west to Jackson Street.
Travel north on Jackson Street from Paterson Ave to 7th Street, turning right on 7th to go one block east to Monroe.
Travel south on Monroe to 4th Street, turning right to travel west one block to Harrison.
Travel south on Harrison from 4th Street to Observer then follow Observer east to return to Hoboken Police HQ.

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