Few things in life compare with the experience of travel. {And although we wish it was the case, riding your Vespa to Basic Foods ordering fresh buffala at Fiore’s or Lisa’s doesn’t totally count.} But as anyone with the travel bug can attest to, creating an itinerary, researching your destination, and enjoying the experience of a new place can be more exciting than anything —ever.
But with all of these positive associations and experiences, it’s easy to overlook the importance of remaining safe when you travel {let’s be serious: it can be a scary world out there}. Whether it’s a domestic or international trip {particularly in the latter case}, you’ll guarantee a fun, memorable, stress-free trip by practicing a few “safe-travel” tips. Today, CSBK in Hoboken is sharing its top travel tips for staying safe — especially during the holidays. The below suggestions are especially relevant if you are traveling outside the US.
1. Do your homework.
Knowing where you’re going only starts with the destination. Spend some time learning where your accommodations are located. Will you be in the downtown area, business district, or outside the city? Check out comments and feedback from other people about the destination to pick up some tips about where to go, where to avoid, and the public transport/cab options. If your hotel is within walking distance of a popular tourist zone, find out whether you can expect to safely walk back to your hotel at the end of the evening.
2. Carry a photocopy of your passport.
If you’re travelling outside the US, it’s a good idea to carry a photocopy of your passport. In the unlikely event you run into trouble, it’s a handy form of ID to have ready.
3. Be a blender.
Let’s face it — we all want to look good in our vacay Instas, but #realtalk: Don’t call unnecessary attention to yourself in any way. Most crimes aimed at tourists are of the purse-snatching and pickpocket variety. These can be largely avoided with a little common sense; as much as you’d love to rock your new Chanel bag on vacay, avoid wearing expensive jewelry, or watches. In this case, it’s better to blend in than stand out.
4. Practice healthy skepticism.
It’s fun to meet locals while traveling — after all, isn’t that what it’s all about? But a word to the wise and a few bits of caution in this area: Don’t accept any food or cigarettes from a stranger, and be wary of any unknown person approaching you on the street, especially if they are well-dressed and overly friendly. Don’t be duped by people claiming to be plainclothes police officers who demand to “register” your money—they’re simply trying to separate you from your money. It’s a sad/rough world out there at times, unfortunately.
5. Stick with a group.
Even if it’s just one or two others, try to remain part of a group when you’re out and about at your destination. You’re much more likely to avoid problems when you’ve got others to help assess situations that arise.
If you’re traveling alone, as a couple, or with just a few friends, it’s wise to let someone know what you’re doing. When you’re traveling to a remote area or planning to venture “outside the grid,” you may want to let the hotel concierge know the specifics of your itinerary, how long you expect to be gone and when you plan on returning.
Travel is one of the most restorative, rejuvenating things we can do for ourselves. Practicing safe travel is a proactive way to help ensure you have a great time and arrive home safe and sound. Bon voyage!
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