Home LifestyleCareer 3 Tips to Optimize Your Linkedin Profile

3 Tips to Optimize Your Linkedin Profile

by Hannah
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It’s important these days to have a professional, polished online presence — whether you’re looking for a job or not. But, let’s say you’re looking, or open to a new opportunity. Having an up-to-date and optimized LinkedIn channel is extremely important, as more than 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn as a tool to find new hires. Here are a few key tips to make sure you’re making the platform work as hard as possible for you.

1. Fill out your profile 100%.

LinkedIn as a business wants to connect people with the jobs and connect recruiters with good candidates. If it did a bad job at this, people would stop using it, and revenues {from ads and premium subscriptions} would go down. LinkedIn released stats that showed profile views increase 13x if you list your skills {and by 14x by including a photo}. So, it is in their best interest to return the best candidates that have the fullest profiles. So get that profile filled!

2. Be active, often.

Post status updates, comment on others’ statuses, join group discussions. To the earlier point, LinkedIn doesn’t want to showcase inactive users when recruiters search, so it prioritizes showcasing active users. Additionally, if you’re active on the platform, you have much more of a chance of being found if your network is also being reminded of how smart you are via your status updates and comments on posts. Post your point of view on industry news, share interesting relevant articles related to your work, comment on friends and coworkers’ updates to make sure you’re staying active. The more active you are, all things equal, the higher you will come up in search versus people who are less active.

LinkedIn recently took a look at members with titles of Vice President or Partner who were newly hired. Some common trends arose among their LinkedIn activity in the three months prior to their new jobs: 80%were sending connection requests, 50% were participating in groups, and 40% were engaging on LinkedIn via shares, likes, and comments.

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3. Make sure the keywords in your “headline” and “summary” sections indicate how you want to be found in search.

The LinkedIn search algorithm works like Google’s – recruiters search for what they’re looking to hire, so those words need to be present in key places in your profile. If you’re looking for a new job that varies a bit from your current role, the keywords you will need to use need to reflect the job you want, not the job you currently have. This is okay, because you still have your “experience” section to explain your current position, so it’s not lost {and those keywords may be found as well}. This is an especially important tip that many people don’t consider.

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